PVA stands for polyvinyl alcohol. It is a polymer obtained by alkaline hydrolysis (using sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide). The main use of polyvinyl alcohol is to synthesise polyvinyl butyral (PVB), which is mainly used to attach glass together. Polyvinyl alcohol is often used in glues or paint. In Europe, it is mainly used as a release agent or in agri-food for its preserving properties. In the United States, it is used as a setting agent in the textile and paper industry.

Polyvinyl alcohol is used as an additive in processed food, under the code (known as the INS number) E12039. As it is water soluble, PVA has been used for disposable products such as cigarette smokers, golf tees or plastic bags. This seems environmentally friendly but actually is not, because polyvinyl alcohol pollutes groundwater as it dissolves into the water. It can be broken down by certain bacteria, but these are not common in the environment and are often found only in environments already contaminated by PVA.