Food Contact Regulation (FCR)

To protect consumers, there are regulations governing objects and materials that come into contact with foodstuffs.

The Swiss Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs (OSAV) defines "materials in contact with foodstuffs" as all materials and objects intended to come into contact with foodstuffs, e.g. packaging, containers, kitchen utensils and crockery. In Switzerland, the most commonly used material is plastic1.

These regulations assess the safety of materials that come into contact with foodstuffs, to prevent any chemical substances that may migrate being harmful to consumers. They also ensure that the materials used cannot alter the composition or quality (taste or odor) of foodstuffs.

These regulations differ from country to country. In Switzerland, for example, there is the DFI Ordinance on materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs.

In the EU, it's EU Regulation 10/2011. There are some differences between Switzerland and the EU, but the regulations remain very similar, as Switzerland is aligned with the EU, facilitating imports and exports.