
The method of transport is a key factor to determine the environmental impact of a product. That’s why we seek to optimise the way we import our products. We are the forerunners of train imports from Asia and we continue to work to offer the cleanest means of transport to our customers.

What we’ve achieved:

  • We promote and prefer the least polluting transport.
  • We talk as much as possible about the importance of planning purchases in advance in order to have time to pick the best transport method.
  • We work with our freighters to try to promote the cleanest possible vehicles.
  • We do everything we can to encourage imports from Asia by train and to avoid air transport at all costs, as it is a real environmental nightmare.
  • We try to implement direct deliveries to our customers’ markets in order to limit back-and-forths for goods.


What we’re working on:

Anticipating, supporting, organising and perfecting insofar as is possible to make customers’ lives easier and give them enough time to import their products.